Pre-Tax Savings Accounts

Learn how you can set aside money to pay for health care expenses.

Pre-Tax Savings Accounts

In 2024, the maximum amount you can contribute to either a Health Savings Account or a Flexible Spending Account will increase. What type of these pre-tax savings accounts you can contribute to is determined by the health care plan you choose.

Core PPO

Health Investment Plan


  • Contribution:
    • $3,200
  • Eligible Expenses:
    • Medical
    • Prescription
    • Dental
    • Vision

Limited Purpose FSA

  • Contribution: $3,200
  • Eligible Expenses:
    • Dental
    • Vision


  • Contribution:
    • S—$4,150
    • F—$8,300
  • Eligible Expenses:
    • Medical
    • Prescription
    • Dental
    • Vision

Core PPO


  • Contribution:
    • $3,200
  • Eligible Expenses:
    • Medical
    • Prescription
    • Dental
    • Vision

Health Investment Plan

Limited Purpose FSA

  • Contribution: $3,200
  • Eligible Expenses:
    • Dental
    • Vision


  • Contribution:
    • S—$4,150
    • F—$8,300
  • Eligible Expenses:
    • Medical
    • Prescription
    • Dental
    • Vision

Health Investment Plan (HIP)

HSA IRS Limit Company Contribution Employee Contribution Maximum
1 Individual
2 Individuals
3+ Individuals
Age 55+
Additional $1,000 catch-up contributions allowed

Dependent Care FSA

Minimum Annual Contribution


Maximum Annual Contribution


Contribute up to $5,000 annually in pretax dollars to pay for eligible childcare expenses. Plan carefully, the DC FSA follows the ‘use it or lose it’ rule.

Optum Financial

Optum Financial will continue to administer the FSA and HSA in 2024.

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